Sunday, November 5, 2000

Sunday Is Runday

Despite having gotten less sleep than I like (probably logged four or five), I have had a busy day. I did all my prepwork for the week's meals (precooked and froze the fish, Alaskan Halibut, mmm MMM; predistributed the plastic bowls of oatmeal, the packets of corn tortillas, etc.). I put away junk from the previous night, ran two loads of laundry and ate a healthy lunch.

Then Kelly and I went to see the Digimon movie before it left the theatres. Kelly liked it, I thought it was unnecessarily confusing. I can summarize the plot in ten words (but won't). The problem was that they filled ninety minutes with exposition and flashback without adding anything to that ten word plot. Many other anime are a good deal more satisfying. But I shouldn't expect anything much from a Pokemon imitator and toy vehicle.

Once we got home I did all my chores (take out the cat litter, empty and take out the trash, fold remaining laundry). Now I am unwinding and giving you this report "qbullet.smiley". Don't worry, I won't recap this same routine every Sunday.

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