Saturday, November 11, 2000

Kelly Items

Yesterday Kelly and I went to Pig and Pancake, a restaurant off the highway in Tualatin. It seemed like a typical truckstop restaurant, but themed on breakfast, namely pancakes. This is what Kelly and I had agreed to as our Veteran's Day treat (more properly Day-Before-Veteran's-Day, but since her school was closed, it was still a holiday to her).

I had a stack of sourdough pancakes and a glass of milk. Kelly had a half-stack of blueberry pancakes and cranberry juice. She ate half of her half-stack, and I ate all of mine. Digressing, I guess Friday was my day to be bad, since I had lunch with my friends Burr and Robin at a Chinese restaurant, and that afternoon was Friday Afternoon Club, serving potstickers.

Today, we had the usual rush of chores, grocery shopping and such. Kelly was being rambunctious, so I made her get wrapped up later in the day and we went for a walk around the block. Since she got stung on a walk in the late Fall three times by yellowjackets, this was quite an accomplishment. I made a point of steering her around a location I knew to have a nest. We finished the walk with no incidents, after stopping about twenty times to play "what do you want to buy", where she pretended to be a merchant and sold me goods for as little as one cent and as much as five dollars.

Later in the day we went to Fred Meyers to shop for Kelly's present to Jean for Christmas. She selected a couple of sets of earrings (shhhh!) and we took them home and wrapped them up. She spent the rest of the evening eating her dinner, and watching cartoons. I just finished reading to her from The Long Secret, which is a sequel to Harriet the Spy. Jean is in with her reading her another chapter. With luck, she'll be unconscious in another half hour.

Tomorrow, I'm probably going to take her to McDonald's Playland, which is a McDonalds hamburger restaurant with a large play area inside, suitable for Winter fun. I'm also going to try to drag her along to the mall while I do some of my shopping for Jean's Christmas presents. I have my doubts that that will happen.

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