Sunday, November 26, 2000

Got Milk?

Nothing like getting up in the morning and discovering there's no milk. Of course in our house, this doesn't mean making a trip to the store. It means getting out the powdered milk and making up a new batch. The plus is that you are never very far away from having milk, but the minus is that you still have to do some work. Would I prefer getting dressed, getting into the car and driving to the grocery store and back, to making a pitcher myself? God, it's hard to choose...

Fortunately for me, I've started buying a bunch of Rubbermaid fluid containers, 1 pint in size, with screw-on lids which have a pop top. Taking one package of powdered milk, I can make two of these containers, with far less effort than making up a pitcher. In about three minutes, I had milk for my breakfast, and milk for Kelly's cereal and chocolate milk. When Jean gets back from her walk, I'll make more. Honest!

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