Thursday, November 9, 2000

Coming Attractions

I'll compare notes with a friend of mine who has Irritable Bowel Syndrome and has thus had more than one colonoscopy, but here is my sister's info on colonoscopies:

You've never had a colonoscopy done before. You had a sigmoidoscopy which is only half way up your intestine. A colonoscopy is all the way through. The day before the procedure I take two Bisacodyl Tablets and then two bottles of Fleets Phospho-Soda; one at 2 p.m. and the other at 7 p.m. The day before is the worst because you are cleaning yourself out. Plus all I can have are clear liquids.

As for the actual procedure, I imagine it is a lot like the flex-sig only moreso. I'll of course be getting the details from Dr. Selby next Thursday, but anticipation can be so much fun "qbullet.smiley". By the way, if all this talk of colonoscopy is making you uncomfortable, rest assured that this is as close to the edge as I'm going to skate in a News Item. If I want to get into sqeamish detail, I'll put it into a "Musings" story, and you can give it a miss if you want.

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