Wednesday, November 29, 2000

Back Pain Sucks

I don't always know how these things get started, but today I have serious back pain (right around the floating ribs extending halfway toward the front), and I think I know what caused it.

Last night I moved a drafting table to the kitchen from the den, so there'd be a place to put the iBook where Jean could work. It is a lightweight thing, and folds, so it isn't that awkward to move. But I must have picked it up or carried it wrong anyway, because the pain it comes, yes it comes!

I didn't feel more than a dull ache this morning, but it continued to escalate until, by the time I was walking back to my car after dropping Kelly off at Bridgeport, I was hobbling slowly, and had trouble getting into the car. Shifting gears was a pain as well.

It's times like these that I really appreciate my Leap chair at work, which I've mentioned in the past. I've taken two Alleve, which helped enough that I was able to go for a gingerly walk with Jean in the woods just now. But I'm seriously debating going home and reclining with the laptop (I can get into work via a SSH connection). Keep your fingers crossed!

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