Monday, October 30, 2000


Jean and I had our discussion on Sunday. We took advantage of a period when Kelly was camping downstairs to have our little chat. It was difficult and painful--even after twenty years together I have to fight introvert tendencies when under stress. It is made all the harder that Jean and I don't get to talk, bond really, alone, without Kelly very much at all. So while there was a period in our lives when we seemed to be able to complete each others' sentences, that doesn't happen much anymore.

In any case, we worked through the miscommunications and got to the meat of the conflict. Now Jean is clear on how I intend to police Kelly's morning breakfast, and I'm clear how stressed Jean feels about Kelly's Kindergarten fiasco. I hope Jean has a clearer idea of the wrestling I have to do with Kelly too.

Kelly had her first 'enforced' breakfast today, and did try to deflect things by being by turns funny, cute, precocious and so on. Jean was home for it, so she saw the game. Jean is home today with what is probably a flu. We got enough food into Kelly's stomach to satisfy me, and I took her to school. Cross your fingers!

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