Saturday, January 27, 2001

Would You Like To Take A Survey?

On the way home from our Saturday walk, somehow the subject of surveys entered the conversation, and Kelly wanted to know what a survey was. We explained to her, down to the notion of asking multiple choice questions to make it easier to collate data from tons of people. She was fascinated, and asked if I would "give her a survey" when we got home. I agreed, but she and I got sidetracked going to McDonald's.

When we got home, Jean and Kelly started playing indoor soccer with a punch-balloon. By the time that was over, it was time for Kelly to take her shower, then clean up her toys, then have her teeth cleaned, and by that time it was time for bed. She was disappointed that she hadn't gotten a survey, so she decided that I should give her one instead of reading to her. So I just started making up multiple-choice questions on the fly.

An example: "If you had to eat something yucky from the following list, which would it be? A worm (yuck!); boiled spinach (eeewww!); spoiled milk (uuggh!); a frog (puke!)." Kelly replied "I'll drink the spoiled milk!"

Another example: "If you could travel to one of the following countries, which would it be? Japan, Italy, England, or Mexico." Kelly immediately replied "Mexico!" and began to improvise a mariachi song. I enjoyed it, but I only later realized that she was trying to imitate the music she had heard at Mentor during the Cinco de Mayo celebration held there. After a little thought it occurred to me that if I'd offered her the choice of Germany she might have chosen that as well, since Mentor also has an Oktoberfest celebration.

All in all, the survey was a huge success, and Kelly has asked to have another survey for bedtime tomorrow night.

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