Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Flea Dip

I dug around on the Internet and found some example code for a way to lock down comments in bulk. With a few changes it worked for my weblog. I'm not turning off comments entirely. Any new post will be open. But the comment spam parasites seem to choose old posts by default, so this will rein them in until MT3.0 gets out. Then I'll probably reverse the closing of comments to allow those rare articulate strangers their voices.


  1. Bleah. You just want everyone to read more often =)
    (Not that we don't already *grin*)

  2. You should talk! I was telling Tom on Saturday that I couldn't possibly keep up with your posting prolificity! Now that you have a weblog, as opposed to a journal, seems you post twice or even three times a day. Suits me.

  3. /That/ novelty will wane for the next two weeks. I don't think I'm all that prolific, really. Links that I'm sent don't quite count as me being the model blogger.

  4. Okay, I can identify with that. My first weblog, at weblogs.com, I posted huge essays. Of course, the latency for posting had something to do with that. Their servers took forever to accept a post, so I tended to make 'em big.
    Once I switched to a weblog on my own ISP's servers, things ran much faster. Then (for awhile) I posted much shorter items, but lots of 'em.
    Now I'm lucky if I average one a day.
    Anyway, keep posting!
