Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Been reading mostly on the Web lately, and lots of technical papers. While I dip into a lot of non-fiction, which you'll occasionally see on the sidebar to this site, I don't usually finish them, as they're generally sorta browsy items. In fact, the last non-fiction item I read cover-to-cover, The Big Con, took me several weeks, even though it was only about 300 pages.

Anyway, I'm now giving in to a spate of fiction reading again. And not just fiction, but fantasy and science fiction. Just finished Jhereg, by Steven Brust. While I've been aware of Brust for years, I've never taken the plunge, being only a lukewarm reader of fantasy. Usually it takes a Roger Zelazny or Gene Wolfe to get me interested. But recently, Cory Doctorow waxed enthusiastic about Dzur, the latest book in Brust's main series, and I decided to take the plunge.

No write-up, follow the link. I'm noting it here so I'll remember which books of his I've read. And yes, it was more than entertaining enough for a light read.

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