Sunday, December 21, 2003


Saturday evening was the NOVA Xmas party. Much food, lots of fun, and friends exchanging prezzies. I swear I left with more presents than I carried in! We unwrapped them at the meeting, but I decided that it'd be nice to reprise 'em on Xmas morn, so I rewrapped them and put 'em under the tree. That is, if you can call stapling them into paper lunch bags rewrapping. So sue me!


  1. *laughter* I can see the Shiima pigtails sticking out of the wrapping or the Sumomo beret poking through. The joys of the anime holiday season *grin* As to the stapling part, it's creative license. "But that's how it's shipped in the mail..." =)

  2. Actually, the coolest anime gift I got was one James gave me. You know, Mr. Mecha? He got me an import Japanese GBA game based on the new Astroboy anime.
    I'm gonna have to fish out my Kanji dictionaries...
