Sunday, January 22, 2006


While not quite approaching the sparcity of Hanson Kun, I have been remiss in posting of late. So herewith, a few brief tidbits of info:

  • Last weekend I made cassoulet. Not quite the linked recipe, but you get the gist. As made, it was a bit too salty, but otherwise incredibly tasty. Jean, who is not nearly so big a soup fan as I am, voted it top marks. So it joins the list of standards.

    I'd recently seen an episode of America's Test Kitchen where they demonstrated an easy-bake version of cassoulet, but when I went to their website, I discovered that the episode was a rerun from some earlier season, and was now behind their pay firewall. Fortunately, by an amazing coincidence, Jean's mom sent us a recipe for cassoulet that very same week. With some modifications, it became our new favorite!

  • This was a NOVA weekend, but I was unable to attend, as Jean had a work shift that day. Next meeting is the first weekend of February, and the following is the third weekend. Depending on when Jean's every-other-weekend shifts work out, I may never get to go again! If not, I'll definitely be trying to arrange alternate weekend visits with my friends.

  • That alternate weekend thing probably won't happen this time around, as Jean's parents are coming to visit on their way to Hawaii.

  • Finally, I know I've been mentioning Magna Carta, and how I've been unable to work up the momentum to play it. Now it applies double. I was down at work with Renee this morning, and we stopped by Gamestop just to browse, and they had a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, a game I've been looking for for months. So I bought it, and I've been goofing with it part of today. Don't know which game will win my minimal game-playing cycles, but for now, it's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.

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